Barack and Michelle Obama’s Wedding Love Story

A bright and young US senator from Illinois was elected President-Elect of United States of America in 2008. After his 2008 win as Democratic Presidential nominee, Barack Obama and Michelle Obama were household names. He accepted the nomination at the Democratic National Convention and again four years later during his reelection campaign. After their heartwarming first-time appearance at the 2009 Inaugural Ball and over the course of the next eight years, the public vigilantly observed the power couple make waves in the White House: They were seen as aspirational-yet-relatable for their often playful and public displays of affection. They brought energy to the Highest Office in the Land and were deeply committed to the well-being of America’s youth.

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When did Barack and Michelle meet?

After Barack’s first year at Harvard Law School, the future spouses met in Chicago. In his memoir, the 44th President of America stated that Michelle Lavaughn Robinson was already a lawyer when they met. She was twenty-five and an associate at Sidley & Austin in Chicago, where she worked for the summer following my first year of law school.

Where did Barack and Michelle meet?

The couple met at Sidley & Austin where Michelle Robinson was a junior associate in the first year. She wrote that Barack Obama arrived late on the first day. “I sat in the forty-seventh-floor office, waiting and not waiting for him.”

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What happened to Barack and Michelle?

Michelle, Barack’s supervisor in that fateful summer was adorable. He explained that Michelle was assigned by the company to look after me. She would make sure that I knew the location of the office photocopier and that I felt comfortable. “We were able to have lunch together which allowed us to talk about our jobs, and then about everything else.”

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How he asked her out

They began to meet more often at work and at other social events. The future 44th President of the United States eventually made the first move and asked his supervisor-turned-friend on a first date. Michelle Obama’s memoir details the journey to romance. She wrote, “I think we should go to the pub,” Barack declared once after we had finished our meal. “What, you and I? “What, you and me?’ I faked shock at the thought of him considering it. “I told you, that I don’t date. “And I’m your advisor.”

What did Barack Obama propose?

After he had broached the subject of marriage at their Chicago favorite restaurant, a playful spar was held between the couple. It was July 31, 1991. “As we reached the end of our meal, Barack smiled at us and brought up the topic of marriage. Michelle Obama wrote that Barack reached out to me and said that despite his love for me, he didn’t see the point. I felt my blood pressure rise instantly. It felt like I was pushing a button inside me. The kind of big blinking red button that you might find in a nuclear facility, surrounded by evacuation maps and warning signs. Really? “We were going to do that now?”

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  • Barack and Michelle’s Wedding Details

The wedding ceremony and reception for the future first couple was large and joyful on Chicago’s South Side. In his memoir, the future POTUS writes that Michelle and I were married after several years of being together.

  • Barack and Michelle’s Honeymoon

The newly-minted Mrs. Obama and Mr. Obama went on a romantic honeymoon along California’s coast. They took to the Pacific Coast Highway with its abundance of natural offerings, from sun-soaked vines to dreamy redwoods that line the Pacific Ocean coastline.

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The former first lady wrote that she flew to San Francisco the day after the wedding. She then spent several days in Napa and drove down Highway 1 towards Big Sur to read books and stare at the blue ocean. It was beautiful, even though Barack’s head cold returned in full force and despite the mud baths that we found unsettling and a little icky.